No, these mascots aren’t dressing up for Halloween – this is just their regular garb.

These college mascots fit right in with the witches, ghosts and ghouls of late October. The rest of the year, though? Not so much. Check out the most creepy mascots and the colleges they call home. These schools certainly made an interesting choice in picking such scary characters to call their own.
1. Wichita State Wushock
This mascot makes us feel a lot of feelings – not only are we creeped out by him; we’re also pretty embarrassed for the guy. Sorry, Wichita State University, but a piece of wheat with a murderous look in his eye is terrifying, even by Halloween standards.
2. Providence College Friar
We respect that you’re religious and all, Providence College, but maybe you should have gone with a priest that doesn’t look like he’s planning to kill us in the basement of his church.

3. Purdue Pete
This mascot has a looming presence and a sledgehammer. Need we say more?

4. Gus the Gorilla
We echo this kid’s sentiment toward Pittsburg State’s mascot – we wouldn’t want to sit next to him either.

5. Michigan State Sparty
We’re not sure that Sparty’s cute, cartoonish name quite fits his “I’m going to conquer your land and your people” vibe.

6. Saint Louis University Billiken
This is another mascot we’d like to recognize for being both creepy and ridiculous. We’d love to know what a Billiken even is, but seeing as SLU doesn’t know, all we can do is guess. We’re thinking the ghost of an evil and plotting elf?

7. Chief Osceola
Florida State University decided to go with an angry chief on horseback holding a flaming spear. His stern demeanor and warrior spirits are pretty intimidating. Thanks for the nightmares, FSU!

8. Iona College Killian
Iona College calls themselves the Gaels, and their mascot Killian is a burly man of Gaelic-Irish descent. Sorry, let us rephrase that – a burly man of Gaelic-Irish descent who looks like he’s about to rob us.

9. Willie the Wave
Pepperdine University’s mascot is doing everything he can to look like a creepy uncle.

10. Southern Illinois University Saluki
This mascot is supposed to be a Persian Greyhound, but somehow SIU landed closer to werewolf or ROUS (Rodents of Unusual Size). Whoops.

We suggest you consider one of these schools if you love getting creeped out by your school’s mascot (or you just like a school with a sense of humor and competitive spirit). Or you could just go somewhere that’s haunted by its very own campus ghosts… up to you.